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Library Catalogs

Under Construction! - Addition Resources to Come!

South Carolina's Virtual Library

Find thousands of magazines, newspapers, and reference books available 24/7.

The World Factbook is a federal government website operated by the Central Intelligence Agency. Also known as the CIA World Factbook this site is loaded with "information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities." Don't even think about sending a threatening email!

Amazing Space "promotes the science and majestic beauty of the universe to the education community. The materials we develop for educators and learners of all ages are accurate, instructionally sound, visually appealing, and carefully crafted to adhere to accepted educational standards."

In connection with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has come up with some really fun experiments that can be done at home and costing practically nothing. Have fun with proven scientific experimentation, invite friends and family members, but remember - safety always comes first. Experiment under the supervision of an adult.

A college website? That's right...and a great one at that! Need to write a research paper or essay? This site is straightforward Research Writing: Elements and Steps. It is not difficult to read and follow the steps to writing your own research paper. Your teacher will be impressed!

While you're writing that research paper or essay you'll have to do research using a database like South Carolina's Discus (first resourse mentioned above) or even Google. When searching a database the trick is to use few keywords, but very specific keywords to narrow your returned results. Take a look at this humorous video for an example.

And finally...information on just how to avoid plagiarism and cite your sources correctly.

Plug all the bibliographic information into Citation Machine and watch as it reveals the correct citation in any format. Ask your school librarian for help with this one if necessary.

Red Bank Elementary School

Learning Commons

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Student Resources

Student Resources

BrainPOP engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more! This website requires registering for an account, so get your parent(s) approval before signing up.

" captures the most gripping, surprising and fascinating stories about famous people. With over 7,000 biographies and daily features that highlight newsworthy, compelling and surprising points-of-view, we are the digital source for true stories about people that matter."

“ is the world's leading digital dictionary. We provide millions of English definitions, spellings, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and word origins. also offers a translation service, a Word of the Day, a crossword solver, and a wealth of editorial content that benefit the advanced word lover and the English language student alike.” Don't forget it's a thesaurus too!

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